Dewiswch eich iaith: en cy

Proses Data

Our data process will help you understand how to take data and build impactful stories. Keep scrolling down to learn about the activities we offer for you to run at each step along the way.

Proses Data  

The DataBasic Education training programme is based on the ‘Data Culture Project’ and DataBasic which were developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to help organisations build their data culture. We, Data Cymru, have re-worked elements of the website to make it more relevant to the Welsh public sector. However, you may still see references to ‘organisations’, ‘’ and / or ‘the Data Culture Project’.

Ymarferion Cynhesu

Before jumping into finding data or telling stories, it's important to do some warm ups to activate your organization's data mindset. Warm ups are quick, fun, hands-on activities designed to activate conversation, catalyze creative ideas and build confidence to take the next step. For example, lead colleagues to Build Data Sculptures with craft materials to explore different ways to communicate the same simple data set. Working with pompons, pipe cleaners, or other local materials changes how you approach data, letting you focus on playfully quick ways to look for stories. Deconstruct a data visualisation to build your skills in understanding data visualizations, and developing a strong data-driven narrative arc of your own.

Gofyn Cwestiynau

Pa gwestiynau all (ac na all) gael eu hateb gyda data? A phan fyddwch chi'n syllu ar rai rhesi a cholofnau, sut ydych chi'n dechrau gwneud synwyr o'r data sydd o'ch blaen? Ar yr adeg hon, rydych chi'n dysgu sut i gymryd y cam cyntaf yn y broses dadansoddi data drwy ofyn cwestiynau da. Defnyddiwch ASKcsv i grynhoi data taenlen yn gyflym, taflu syniadau am gwestiynau amdano, cysylltiadau posibl â setiau data eraill, a rhagfarnau posibl byddwch efallai'n dod â nhw iddo. Cofiwch – nid yw'r data byth yn siarad drosto ei hun – chi sy'n ei helpu i siarad drwy ofyn cwestiynau gwell a gwell byth. Llenwch Daenlen Bapur i gyflwyno pobl i fathau gwahanol o ddata a'u helpu i feddwl am sut mae pobl yn ei llenwi.

Casglu Data

Often you don’t recognize the data you already have! Data is all around, but can be difficult to identify and describe. You need the right data to tell a strong story. As they say, “garbage in, garbage out.” You also need to remember that a single data set may not be able to answer your questions. Combining datasets is often the best way to create a more fleshed out story. Use Connect the Dots to explore crowd-sourcing data from your audience to analyse together as a network. Or Use ASKcsv to think about how to gather the data you need to answer a question.

Analysing Data

Data can be intimidating, especially when it comes to analysing it. But remember, most of statistics is just special ways of counting. We’re all pretty good at counting! Establishing a data culture doesn't mean that we will all be statistical wizards but it does mean learning enough about analysis to understand its creative potential. The data analysis process is an opportunity to bring people together. There are many ways to do this to find a story. Use WordCounter to learn about analysing text data to find stories. Use Connect the Dots to collaboratively analyse a network graph. Use SameDiff to learn about how algorithms can help you analyse data in more abstract ways.

Dweud Eich Stori

Dweud eich stori yw'r elfen hanfodol. Nid yw rhifau ar eu pen eu hunain yn ddigon i wneud eich achos nag ysgogi pobl i weithredu. Mae'n rhaid i chi roi cyd-destun i'ch data, a'i gyfuno i greu naratif er mwyn i bobl gael ei ddeall. Brasluniwch stori gyda WordCounter i ymarfer cyfathrebu stori seiliedig ar ddata yn weledol. Gwnewch We Geiriau i symud o syniadau a rhifau haniaethol i symbolau gweledol cadarn. Atgymysgwch Ffeithlun i ymarfer dweud yr un stori mewn ffyrdd gwahanol.

Rhowch Gynnig Arno

Sut ydych chi'n gwybod a ydy'ch stori'n gweithio? Ydy'r data rydych chi'n ei gynnwys yn ategu'r naratif a rowch? Gall fod yn anodd iawn rhoi eich hun yn esgidiau'ch cynulleidfa i geisio deall pa fath o stori a fydd yn newid eu golwg o'r byd neu'n eu hysgogi i weithredu. Ac efallai bod gennych chi nifer o gynulleidfaoedd. Mae pob cynulleidfa bosibl yn dod â gwahanol gredoau a phrofiadau at ddeall eich neges. Rhowch gynnig ar ConvinceMe i ymarfer dweud storïau gwahanol wrth gynulleidfaoedd gwahanol. Ysgrifennwch Lyfr Stori Data i ymarfer ysgrifennu bwâu naratif cymhellol sy'n cael eu cefnogi gan y data rydych chi'n gweithio gydag ef.

Am y Prosiect Diwylliant Data

The Data Culture Project is an initiative of We’ve pulled together the years of work with nonprofits into one place to help you build a data culture. is the brainchild of Catherine D’Ignazio and Rahul Bhargava.